Как получить значение переменной отсюда и использовать это значение для полезных дел а не для вывода в консоль

How to use Echo in Powershell

You can use `n as many times as you’d like to insert as many new lines in the output as you’d like.

Note: The syntax `n uses a backtick, not a single quote. This is a common mistake to avoid.

Как получить значение переменной отсюда и использовать это значение для полезных дел а не для вывода в консоль

By default, the entire string appears on one line.

PowerShell echo new line

Notice that “hello” and “everyone” appear on two lines.

Also note that you can use `n as many times as you’d like.

 "Mavs `nNets `nHawks `nKings `nLakers"

Как получить значение переменной отсюда и использовать это значение для полезных дел а не для вывода в консоль

Since we used `n before each new team name, each team name appeared on a new line.

PowerShell: How to Return Multiple Values from Function
PowerShell: How to Replace Multiple Strings in File
PowerShell: How to Replace Special Characters in String
PowerShell: How to Replace Text in String

@echo off&cls
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set working_directory=%~dp0
if %working_directory% NEQ %cd% (
set working_directory=%cd%
call chooser.bat :: Активируем выбор файла
set filename=!chose!
set "filename=%filename:~0,-12%" :: обрезка
echo Path to file %filename%

Код для выбора файла.

<# : chooser.bat 
:: launches a File... Open sort of file chooser and outputs choice(s) to the console 
@echo off 
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 

for /f "delims=" %%I in ('powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} | out-string)"') do ( 
set "chose=%%~I" 
echo !chose! 

goto :EOF 

: end Batch portion / begin PowerShell hybrid chimera #> 

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms 
$f = new-object Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog 
$f.InitialDirectory = pwd 
$f.Filter = "Program executable (program.exe)|program.exe" 
$f.ShowHelp = $true 
$f.Multiselect = $false 
if ($f.Multiselect) { $f.FileNames } else { $f.FileName } 

executes a command with the Windows powershell interpreter (Windows only)

:/>  Docx программа для редактирования



Single text containing instructions sent to the MS Windows powershell.exe
command interpreter.

Column of text: output (and error message) yielded and normally displayed by
Powershell on its screen.

Single boolean: %T if command has
been executed without error, %F otherwise.


powershell() opens a new session of the MS Windows
powershell.exe command interpreter, sends command
to it, lets it processing command instructions, receives as text the
output and possible error message yielded by the processing,
and closes the interpreter session.

The starting current working directory and environment variables of the powershell.exe
session are set as described for host().

If an instruction in command generates an error, the error message
is caught and returned in output. Nothing is directly displayed
neither in the Scilab console nor in the consolebox.

Как получить значение переменной отсюда и использовать это значение для полезных дел а не для вывода в консоль

The effects of valid instructions processed before the erroneous one remain actual
(for instance, deleted files). However, their valid output is canceled and not
returned in output.

Как получить значение переменной отсюда и использовать это значение для полезных дел а не для вывода в консоль

Any path included in the command must be single-quoted.



mputlTest of listing 

Handling of environment variables, date:


  get-Date -format ""yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm""   
  get-Date -format ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm''
--> setenv TEST ABCD;
--> powershell("$env:TEST")
 ans  =

--> // Current date:
--> [r,ok] = powershell("get-Date -format ""yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"""); ok
 ok  =

--> [r,ok] = powershell("get-Date -format ''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm''")
 ok  =
 r  =
 2018-04-30 07:12

Multiple instructions separated with “;”:

--> powershell("echo $env:USERNAME'' uses powershell in Scilab'' ; Get-Date")
 ans  =
!Samuel uses powershell in Scilab  !
!                                  !
!lundi 30 avril 2018 07:21:02      !
!                                  !

See also

Write-Output and Echo in PowerShell

echo ["message"]
echo "This is a sentence." 
CMD output of echo

The output prints the This is a sentence message. 

  • Text printing.
  • Object printing.
  • Formatting the output using the -Format cmdlets.
  • Specifying the output encoding.
  • Redirecting the output to a file.
  • Parameters that allow users to customize the output.
:/>  Ошибка «Сбой при копировании файлов загрузки» при восстановлении загрузчика Windows 10 на системах с обычным BIOS » Страница 9

Example of echo in PowerShell

echo "This is another sentence."
Echo PowerShell output
$name = "Sara"
Set variable $name
echo $name
Run echo on the variable

The output prints the content of the variable.

Available cmdlets are:

  • Format-Custom. Customizes the output with different views.
  • Format-Hex. Shows data in hexadecimal format.
  • Format-List. Creates lists of objects’ properties.
  • Format-Wide. Depicts a single object’s property spanning across the screen.
  • Format-Table. Presents the data in the form of a table.
echo "Number", "Name", "Age", "Location" | Format-Table
echo format table PowerShell output
Function CheckIfNumberIsPrime($num) {
if ($num -lt 2) {
        echo "$num is not a prime number"
    else {
        $isPrime = $true
        for ($i = 2; $i -lt $num; $i++) {
            if ($num % $i -eq 0) {
                $isPrime = $false

        if ($isPrime) {
            echo "$num is a prime number"
        else {
            echo "$num is not a prime number"


To test the function, run:


Replace ($num) with a prime number, for example:

Test echo function prime numbers

The output confirms seven is a prime number. Next, try 135:

Test echo function in a PowerShell and it's not a prime number

The output verifies 135 is not a prime number.

Example of Write-Output in PowerShell

The Write-Output cmdlet is a powerful command which prints text, objects, and formatted output to the console.

The basic Write-Output syntax is:

Write-Output [object]
Write-Output "This is another sentence."
Write-Output PowerShell
Function PrimeNumber?($num) {

     if ($num -lt 2) {
         Write-Output "$num is not a prime number"
     else {
         $isPrime = $true
         for ($i = 2; $i -lt $num; $i++) {
             if ($num % $i -eq 0) {
                 $isPrime = $false

         if ($isPrime) {
             Write-Output "$num is a prime number"
         else {
             Write-Output "$num is not a prime number"
Write-Output function in PowerShell

Test the function with the number seven by running:

Test Write-Output prime number function

Next, test with 135:

Test Write-Output prime number function with no prime number confirmed

The outputs confirm seven is a prime number while 135 is not.

Write-Host vs. Echo

Write-Output, on the other hand, writes data to the PowerShell pipeline. The output is displayed on the screen if there is no subsequent command in the pipeline to receive this data.

:/>  Полный экран на компьютере с помощью клавиатуры

A key Write-Host advantage is the customization capability. Write-Host supports a broader range of formatting options.

To specify the output’s foreground and background colors, use:

Write-Host "Text" -ForegroundColor [Color] -BackgroundColor [Color]

For instance, print a line This sentence is white with a magenta background:

Write-Host "This sentence is white with a magenta background" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Magenta
Write-Host color chnage

The output is displayed in the requested format.

Next, learn how to set environment variables in Windows.

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