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The PowerShell SDK provides you access to Identity Security Cloud’s Search functionality.

Here is an example search you can copy into your PowerShell instance to try it out:

This example request uses the Perform Search endpoint to search your tenant for identities with the name “john.doe”.

You can paginate your search results to get records past the default limit of 10000. With pagination, you can get as many records as you want.

This example searches your Identity Security Cloud tenant for all identities and sorts them by their displayName in descending order. The search returns a maximum of 150000 records (the Limit) and 5000 records per page (the Increment).

I have created a simple PowerShell script to search files on a particular directory path which will show files larger than 100MB. It will take the output into a csv file as well.Here is the script i use

Get-childitem -path "C:\Users\someuser" -Include *.db,*.bak,*.mdf,*.ldf,*.zip,*.rar,*.7z -recurse | where-object {$_.length -gt 104857600} | select-object FullName, @{Name="SizeInMB"; Expression={ [math]::Round($_.length / 1MB,2 )}} | export-csv -notypeinformation -path "C:\temp\Report.csv" | % {$_.Replace('"','')} 

another column with last modified dates of the files

denprash's user avatar

This should fulfill your need. please check the select-object line

Get-childitem -path "C:\Users\someuser" -Include *.db,*.bak,*.mdf,*.ldf,*.zip,*.rar,*.7z -recurse |
    where-object {$_.length -gt 104857600} |
    select-object FullName, @{Name="SizeInMB"; Expression={ [math]::Round($_.length / 1MB,2 )}}, @{Name="File extension"; Expression={($_.Extension).Replace('.','')}} |
    export-csv -notypeinformation -path "C:\temp\Report.csv" | % {$_.Replace('"','')}

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Windows Index Search, also known as Windows Search or Windows Indexing, is a feature in the Microsoft Windows operating system that improves the speed and efficiency of file searches on your computer. It is designed to create and maintain an index of the files and folders stored on your local drives, allowing for faster and more accurate searches.

When you perform a search using Windows Index Search, the system does not have to scan every file and folder on your computer every time you search. Instead, it refers to the index, which is a database containing information about the files’ names, locations, and contents. This significantly reduces the time it takes to find and retrieve search results, especially when dealing with a large number of files.

Key Features and Benefits of Windows Index Search:

  • Fast Search Results: With the index pre-built, Windows Search can quickly return search results, making it easier to find the files and documents you need.

  • Support for Various File Types: Windows Index Search supports various file types, including documents, images, music, videos, and more.

  • Partial and Phrasal Search: It allows partial word matches and supports searching for phrases, making it more flexible and powerful.

  • Outlook Integration: The Windows Search index can also be used by Microsoft Outlook to speed up email searches.

  • Advanced Search Operators: Windows Search supports advanced search operators, such as AND, OR, and NOT, to refine search queries further.

  • Real-Time Indexing: As files and folders change or new ones are added, the index is updated in real-time to ensure the search results remain up-to-date.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers

  1. Open the PowerShell ISE.
  2. Run a script like the following, which will return all files in the Accounting folder whose filename includes the string “payroll”:

The results will show all matching files.

Поиск с помощью power shell sdk
  • Using Get-Item to check if a file exists — You can use the Get-Item cmdlet in PowerShell to find a file by name. If the specified item path does not exist, the script will throw an error. Below is a PowerShell script that checks whether the file “Payroll 2022 – 2023.xlsx” exists using the Get-Item cmdlet. If the file exists, the script provides the file details; if not, it will display a message saying the file does not exist.

    Write-Host”The file exists. Details:”

    Write-Host”The file does not exist.”

Поиск с помощью power shell sdk
  • Using Get-ChildItem to check if a file exists — The Get-ChildItem cmdlet is typically used to retrieve a list of items in a specified location, but it can also be used to check for the existence of a specific file. The script below attempts to retrieve the file “Payment_2021.rtf”. If the file exists, the script will return the file details and a success message; otherwise, no output will be returned by Get-ChildItem and the write host cmdlet will display the message “The file does not exist.”

    Write-Host”The file exists.”

    Write-Host”The file does not exist.”

Поиск с помощью power shell sdk
  • Using Test-Path to check if a file exists — You can use the Test-Path cmdlet to check whether a specific file or folder exists. It returns True if the file or folder exists and False if it does not. For example, to check whether the “Payroll 2022 – 2023” file exists, run the following script:
Поиск с помощью power shell sdk

You can also use Test-Path to check whether a path is a file or a directory. Add the ‑PathType with “leaf” as its value, and the cmdlet will return “true” if the path is a file.

Test-path -Path “C:\Temp\Temp*” -pathtype leaf

Test-Path -Path “\\FileServer\Backup”

  1. Run Netwrix Auditor → Navigate to Reports → Open User Behavior and Blind Spot Analysis → Go to Information Disclosure → Select File Names Containing Sensitive Data → Click View.
  2. Specify the following filters and parameters:
  3. Object UNC Path — Specify the path to your file share
  4. Disallowed Words — Specify the string you want to search for in filenames
  5. Click View Report.
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  • PowerShell Find Files: How to Find Files PowerShell Windows 10/11

PowerShell is a powerful Windows built-in command-line shell and scripting environment tool. It can be used to deal with a wide variety of works such as PowerShell run exe,  PowerShell copy filesPowerShell gets folder sizePowerShell get disk space, and the one discussed here.

PowerShell find file recursively. 312. I am searching for a file in all the folders. Copyforbuild.bat is available in many places, and I would like to search recursively. How can I do it in PowerShell?

Can PowerShell Find Files

Can PowerShell find files on Windows 10/11? Of course, yes! You can use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet can help you find files PowerShell easily in different cases. This command can show a list of files or directories in one or more specified locations. In addition, you can use the Recurse parameter to let PowerShell find file recursively from all the child containers.

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How to Find Files PowerShell on Windows 10/11

How to find file PowerShell on Windows 10/11? The answer varies depending on your needs.  Here we summarize several common examples related to PowerShell search for a file.

Example 1. PowerShell Search for Files on the Root of Drive D:

Get-ChildItem -Path D:

PowerShell find files on the root of the D drive

Example 2. PowerShell Search for Files with a Specified Extension

PowerShell find files with a specified extension

Example 3. PowerShell Find File Recursively on the Root of the D Drive

Get-ChildItem -Path D: -Recurse

PowerShell search files recursively

Example 4: PowerShell Find Files Recursively That Don’t Match a Specified Extension

Get-ChildItem -Exclude *.txt -Recurse

PowerShell find files exclude txt files

Example 5. PowerShell Search for a File in the Directory that Matches a Pattern

Get-ChildItem -Include *.doc,*.docx -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

PowerShell find files with the doc extension

Example 6. PowerShell Search Files that Match Specific Filter

Get-ChildItem –Filter *.txt -Recurse

PowerShell find files recursively with txt extension

Best Alternative to PowerShell Find Files

As discussed above, it can be concluded that PowerShell is a professional tool to list files in directory. However, it is time-consuming and not friendly for those who are not familiar with the PowerShell cmdlets. If you are unclear about the correct cmdlets, you will encounter various issues such as “can’t find the path”, “access is denied”, etc.

So, it’s highly recommended you use an effective alternative to PowerShell file search – MiniTool Partition Wizard. Its Space Analyzer feature can help you list all files/folders/directories/subdirectories on a drive quickly.

Moreover, you can search for a specific file via its name or extension with the MiniTool software. If your hard drive or C drive is full, it also tells you what files are taking up your disk space and helps free up disk space.

MiniTool Partition Wizard FreeClick to DownloadClean & Safe

search for a file using MiniTool

About The Author

One of my team members got a requirement to find files by name using PowerShell while working on an automation project. In this tutorial, I will show you different methods to find files by name in PowerShell.

To find a file by name using PowerShell, you can utilize the Get-ChildItem cmdlet combined with the -Name parameter for a basic search, or add -Recurse to search through all subdirectories. For example, Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Name “myDocument.txt” will search for a file named “myDocument.txt” throughout the file system. Use wildcards with -Filter for broader searches, such as Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter “*.txt” to find all text files.

There are various PowerShell cmdlets for searching files by name. Let’s check each method with a complete script and examples.

1. Using Get-ChildItem

PowerShell provides the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to search for files by name in a directory. It can search through directories and list all files and folders that match the specified criteria.

Example 1: Basic Search

Get-ChildItem -Name "MyFile.txt"

Example 2: Recursive Search

To search for a file recursively through all subdirectories, you can add the -Recurse parameter with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Name "MyFile.txt"

Example 3: Using Wildcards

If you’re unsure about the exact name or want to find files with similar names, you can use wildcards:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Name "*partialname*"

Example 4: Filtering by Extension

To find all files with a specific extension using PowerShell, you can filter the results:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "*.txt"

2. Using Get-Item

The Get-Item cmdlet is another way to find a file by name using PowerShell. It is generally used when you know the exact path of the file.

Here is an example.

Get-Item "C:\Path\To\Your\File\filename.txt"

3. Using Select-String

For searching inside files for specific content and returning the file names that contain that content, Select-String is your cmdlet.

Here is the complete PowerShell script.

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "searchTerm" | Select-Object -Unique Path

4. Advanced Filter using Where-Object

You can also find files by name using the where-object in PowerShell.

Here is an example to get a particular file by name.

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "filename.txt" }

If you want to find only .txt files, then run the below PowerShell script.

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".txt" }

Error Handling While Searching Files

Here is an example:

try {
    Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Invalid\Path" -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
    Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"

For repetitive tasks, you can create a custom function to find files by name. Here is a custom PowerShell function that you can reuse.

function Find-FileName {
    param (
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Name $FileName


In this PowerShell tutorial, I have explained different methods to find files by name in PowerShell. One of the easiest methods to achieve this is by using the Get-ChildItem PowerShell cmdlet.

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Select-String cmdlet is the PowerShell equivalent of tools like grep in Unix and findstr in Windows, offering a seamless transition for those familiar with these utilities. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of Select-String and explore its capabilities.

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Understanding Select-String

At its core, Select-String uses regular expression matching to search for text patterns in input strings and files. This cmdlet is designed to search for a specific string or pattern and return the line number and file name where the match is found.

For instance, to search for the word “error” in a log file, you’d use:

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "error"

Parameters and Their Uses

The power of Select-String lies in its parameters. Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

  • -Pattern: Specifies the text pattern to search for. This parameter uses regular expressions, allowing for complex pattern matching.
  • -Path: Defines the directory or file name where the search should be conducted.
  • -Recurse: Used with Get-ChildItem, it allows for recursive searches in subdirectories.
  • -InputObject: Accepts an array of strings, providing the input for the text search.

Advanced Searching Techniques

Beyond basic text searching, Select-String offers advanced functionalities:

  • Regular Expressions: Enables intricate pattern matching, such as finding email addresses or phone numbers.
  • Multiple Matches: With the -AllMatches parameter, you can display all text matches in a line, not just the first one.
  • Case Sensitivity: The -CaseSensitive parameter ensures exact matches based on casing.
  • Wildcards: Enhance your search flexibility by using wildcards, allowing for broader matches.

Comparing with Other Tools

Select-String is often likened to grep in Unix and findstr in Windows. While the core functionality is similar, Select-String is tailored for the PowerShell environment, integrating seamlessly with other cmdlets and offering a more PowerShell-centric approach.

Practical Examples

1. Basic Text Search

Search for the word “error” in a log file:

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "error"

2. Case-Sensitive Search

Search for the word “Error” with exact casing in a log file:

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "Error" -CaseSensitive

3. Using Regular Expressions

Search for any email addresses in a text file:

Select-String -Path C:documentscontacts.txt -Pattern "b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,}b"

4. Searching Across Multiple Files

Search for the word “success” across all log files in a directory:

Select-String -Path C:logs*.log -Pattern "success"

5. Displaying Lines Before and After the Match

Show two lines before and after each match of the word “exception”:

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "exception" -Context 2

6. Searching for Multiple Patterns

Search for lines that contain either “error” or “warning”:

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "error|warning"

7. Excluding Lines with a Specific Pattern

Search for the word “data” but exclude lines containing “backup”:

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "data" | Where-Object { $_.Line -notmatch "backup" }

8. Display Only Filenames with Matches

Search for the word “update” and display only filenames that contain the match:

Select-String -Path C:logs*.log -Pattern "update" -List

9. Using Wildcards in Patterns

Select-String -Path C:logsexample.log -Pattern "^Errord+"

10. Searching in Subfolders

Search for the word “configuration” in all text files within a directory and its subdirectories:

Get-ChildItem C:configurations -Recurse -Include *.txt | Select-String -Pattern "configuration"

FAQ – Find String in File

Q: How can I search for a specific string in a file using PowerShell?

A: You can use the “Select-String” cmdlet with the “-Pattern” parameter to search for a specific string in a file. Here’s an example:

Q: Is PowerShell required to search for a string in a file?

A: Yes, you need to have PowerShell installed on your system to search for a string in a file using PowerShell.

Q: How do I search for a string in multiple files?

A: You can use the “-Recurse” parameter with the “Get-ChildItem” cmdlet to search for a string in multiple files within a directory and its subdirectories. Here’s an example:

Q: Can I search for a string in a specific type of file?

A: Yes, you can specify the file type you want to search by using the “-Filter” parameter with the “Get-ChildItem” cmdlet. Here’s an example:

Q: How can I search for a string in a file and get the line it is in?

A: You can use the “-List” parameter with the “Select-String” cmdlet to get the line numbers and contents of the lines that contain the matched string. Here’s an example:

Q: Can I search for a string case-insensitively?

A: Yes, you can use the “-CaseSensitive” parameter with the “Select-String” cmdlet to perform a case-insensitive search. By default, the search is case-insensitive.

Q: How can I search for a string and only get the first match?

A: You can use the “-First” parameter with the “Select-String” cmdlet to retrieve only the first match of the string. Here’s an example:

Q: How do I search for a string in a file and output the results to a file?

A: You can use the “Out-String” cmdlet to convert the output of the “Select-String” cmdlet to a string and then use the “> ” operator to redirect the output to a file. Here’s an example:

Q: Are there any alternatives to the “Select-String” cmdlet for searching a string in a file?

A: Yes, you can use the “Get-Content” cmdlet to get the content of a file and then use the “-match” operator to search for a string. Here’s an example:

Q: Is PowerShell similar to grep in Unix?

A: Yes, PowerShell’s “Select-String” cmdlet is similar to the “grep” command in Unix. It allows you to search for a string in a file or a stream of input and perform various actions based on the match.

keywords: ps find string in file to use select-string object windows powershell string contains search string in file string object inside a string powershell find string in file select-string -path

How to do full-text searches on the Windows Explorer

  • Open the Windows Explorer window

  • Navigate to the folder where you want to perform the search

  • Type in the search text box the term that you are looking for, specifying the content filter (e.g.: content: “design analysis”)

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Поиск с помощью power shell sdk

As the contents of all the documents contained in that folder have been already indexed by the Windows Search Index, you will see how the results of documents containing that term (if any) start to emerge immediately.

Find Your Sensitive Files — and Get Critical Details about Them, Too

To maintain security and compliance, IT pros need to regularly search for files that might contain sensitive data and move them to a secure location. You can find and move files manually using Windows Explorer, but this method takes a lot of time so it is useful mainly when you need to secure a single file. To check multiple files more efficiently, you can use PowerShell. However, a PowerShell script for moving files will terminate with an error if the path is invalid, so before you run it, you need to meticulously check whether the files and folders exist, as shown in the examples above.

How to do full-text searches on PowerShell

We are now going to see how we can use that functionality from a PowerShell script. It will use the APIs exposed by Windows to have access to the Windows Search Index database.


Absoloute or relative path. Has to be in the Search Index for results to be presented.

File name or pattern to search for. Defaults to *.*. Aliased to Filter to ergonomically match Get-ChildItem.

Free text to search for in the files defined by the pattern.

Add the parameter to perform a recursive search. Default is false.

Add the parameter to return System.IO.FileSystemInfo objects instead of String objects.

Uses the Windows Search index to search for files.

Uses the Windows Search index to search for files. SQL Syntax documented at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb231256(v=vs.85).aspx Based on https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mediaandmicrocode/2008/07/13/microcode-windows-powershell-windows-desktop-search-problem-solving/ 

By default one string per file found with full path.
If the AsFSInfo switch is set, one System.IO.FileSystemInfo object per file found is returned.
        [] = ,
        [] = ,
        [] = ,
        [] = ,
        [] = 

     = (  ).Path

     =   , 
     = .Replace(,)

     ((  Variable:fsSearchCon)  )
         =   ADODB.Connection
         =   ADODB.Recordset


    [] = "SELECT System.ItemPathDisplay FROM SYSTEMINDEX WHERE System.FileName LIKE '" +  + 
     ([]::IsNullOrEmpty()  ){
         +=  +  + 

         +=  +  + "' ORDER BY System.ItemPathDisplay "
         +=  +  + "' ORDER BY System.ItemPathDisplay "

    .Open(, )

    ( .EOF){
            [](  (.Fields.Item().Value) )

SearchIndex @args

You can copy this script to a file named SearchIndex.ps1. As long as it is contained in one of the directories defined in the Path environment variable, you will be able to run it from any location on the PowerShell terminal. The script supports several arguments. It looks recursively in the folders contained in the current directory by default. It looks over all kinds of documents by default too. But the argument -Pattern allows you to filter out the results just to the files of the specified extension.

PS C:\>SearchIndex.ps1 -Text  -Pattern 

How to do full-text searches from the Windows run dialog

Windows has a very useful feature that allows you to quickly execute a command. To do so, you just have to press the “Windows key” plus the “key r”, and you will see a pop-up dialog called Run. You can type there any program that is available on the Path environment variable, and execute it.

In our case, we want to trigger the execution of a full-text search over any document contained in the Windows Search Index database from that Run dialog. That way, we would just need to type “Win + r” and the search command together with the search term to do a full-text search over all the target documents on our machine. Not bad, right?

The problem is that this Run dialog can only run batch files, not PowerShell scripts. Therefore, to overcome that limitation, we have to create a wrapper batch file that will call our PowerShell script. And add the location of this wrapper batch file to our Path environment variable.

We are going to create a search-text.bat file, that will allow us to perform a full-text search over any pdf file contained in a specific directory, which belongs to the Windows Search Index database.

@ off

Rem Description: Search text  Windows Search Index pdf files
Rem Usage: search-text.bat {strings}
Rem Example: search-text.bat Seamless


PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command %cmd%

Once we have done that, we can use the Run dialog to execute the SearchIndex script to search for all the PDF documents from that directory that have been indexed in the Windows Search Index database.

Run dialog

And that’s all. With this utility, you can search for any text at lightning speed on your computer. It is so fast, that it almost feels like you have a Google Search Engine on your local laptop.

How to set the index sources

  • Win + S: press the “Windows key” plus the “key s” to open the Windows Search panel

  • Type Indexing Options to open the corresponding dialog

Windows Search pop-up

  • Add the folders that you want to include in the index

Once you have configured the folders to be included in the database, the Index Engine will start indexing all the documents included in those locations. Once it finishes, it will show a message saying that the indexing process is complete. From then on, you can do full-text searches on the specified directories.

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